Frank Turek

How Can Jesus Be the Only Way? (DVD)

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  • How Can Jesus Be the Only Way? (DVD)
  • How Can Jesus Be the Only Way? (DVD)
  • How Can Jesus Be the Only Way? (DVD)


How Can JESUS Be the ONLY Way?  

by Dr. Frank Turek 

Among the top objections many people have to Christianity are these: "How can Jesus be the only way?" and "What about those who have never heard?"

It turns out that the answers to both of those questions can be found by looking at the heavens.  

When you look to the heavens, you realize that the gulf between us and God is so great that only the God-Man can bridge it.  You also realize that anyone claiming to be "a good person” really doesn’t understand what “good” is.  In fact, Jesus said there is none good but God.   Join Frank for a mind-expanding journey though the heavens as he reveals the immensity of God’s morality, justice and love.  “For as high as the Heavens are above the earth, so great is God’s love for those that fear Him” (Ps. 103:11).   That’s the key to understanding why Jesus is the only way.  


Approximately 55 minutes.


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1 Review

  • 5

    Should make any fair minded person think

    Posted by Tony on 12th Mar 2021

    Keep up the good work

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