Does Love and Tolerance Equal Affirmation Video (mp4 ) download
Frank Turek
$3.95See Dr. Frank Turek and Dr. Michael Brown (author of Can You be Gay and Christian) debate two liberal theologians on whether or not we must affirm what people do in order to love them. Their debate opponents are Rev. April Johnson, who...$3.95 -
Relief From the Worst Pain You'll Ever Experience (mp4 Download)
Gary Habermas
$9.95Practical Ways to Deal with Doubt and Pain. Dr. Gary Habermas who lost his 43 year old wife to cancer shows you practical ways to get relief from the worst pain you'll ever experience. Gary also offers resources to defeat doubt. Downloadable mp4...$9.95 -
Intellectual Predators: How Professors Prey on Christian Students (mp4 Download)
Frank Turek
$9.95Intellectual Predators: How Professors Prey on Christian Students and What You Can Do About It Every parent and college student MUST see this! Ever wonder why 75% of churched youth leave the church in college? Frank Turek shows you the...$9.95 -
Upward, Inward, Outward (DVD)
Derwin Gray
$12.95Watch SES graduate and Pastor Derwin Gray (A.K.A. "The Evangelism Linebacker") tackle a problem that many students of apologetics fail to see-- that we are called not just to know God with our minds but also our hearts. He provides the key to...$12.95 -
Digging Up the Bible - mp4 video download Complete Archaeology Series
Frank Turek
$119.95Every Major Archaeological Discovery from Genesis to Revelation - (mp4 download Complete Video Series) By Dr. Frank Turek There are hundreds of archaeological discoveries that corroborate the places, events, and historical figures described...$119.95 -
Are You Being Deceived to Death? The Case for Life (mp4 download)
Frank Turek
$9.95Are You Being Deceived to Death? The Case for Life (mp4 Download) by Dr. Frank Turek Are you being deceived? How can you know? That’s the problem with deception— you don’t know...$9.95 -
Correct, NOT Politically Correct: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone (PowerPoint) DOWNLOAD
Frank Turek
MSRP: $9.95$8.95Powerpoint Presentation Only. No audio. Clear thinking reasons to oppose same-sex marriage UPDATED for 2009 (initially aired on 9/7/09): DescriptionFrank shows why same-sex marriage should be opposed without using arguments from the Bible. This...MSRP: $9.95$8.95 -
Answering the Apostles of the New Atheism (mp4 Download Set)
Richard Howe
$15.95Dr. Richard Howe speaking at the CrossExamined Instructor Academy with Frank Turek and Greg Koukl exposes the flaws in the arguments of the new atheists (Dawkins Hitchens Dennett Harris). Richard makes philosophy fun! You'll enjoy this two-part series!...$15.95 -
Oh, Why Didn't I Say That? Why does God allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People? (mp4 Download)
Frank Turek
$15.95“Oh, Why Didn’t I Say That?”How to Answer the Toughest Questions About Christianity Gracefully Why does God allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People? by Dr. Frank TurekEpisodes 2 & 3 These 2 shows in the series...$15.95 -
Two Miracles You Take With You Everywhere You Go (DVD)
Frank Turek
$12.95Frank shares with us the two miracles that each of us take with us everywhere - creation and you! Two Miracles You Take With You Everywhere You Go Miracles, Creation, Turek, df0029tm$12.95 -
Jesus vs. The Culture - mp3 audio download Complete Series
Frank Turek
$39.95Jesus VS The Culture - Who Do You Trust? - (mp3 download Complete Audio Series) As America continues to devolve into an anti-Christian culture, Christians are increasingly being confronted with choices that may result in...$39.95 -
Is Original Sin Unfair? (mp4 Download Set)
Frank Turek
$15.95Why does God Blame us for Adam’s Sin?Frank tackles one of the most asked questions aboutChristianity. Along the way he answers:• Are we really depraved?• What is our nature vs. God’s nature?• What is the purpose of the...$15.95