Frank Turek

Intellectual Predators: How Professors Prey on Christian Students (MP3)

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Intellectual Predators:  How Professors Prey on Christian Students and What You Can Do About It 

Every parent and college student MUST see this!

Ever wonder why 75% of churched youth leave the church in college? Frank Turek shows you the shocking truth about what many professors are teaching at college and how their goal is to talk students out of the Christian faith. Some of what Frank will tell you, you'll have a hard time believing. But it's all true! 

After seeing this, you'll want to take steps to inoculate yourself and your kids with evidence. Frank will explain what his ministry,, is doing to equip young people and the church. Keywords: Intellectual Predators: How Professors Prey on Christian Students - Frank Turek, College & University,,Campus Apologetics, Defending Christianity on campus

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  • 4

    Relevant for all parents with students in (or going to) college.

    Posted by Unknown on 17th Jun 2012

    This is extremely relevant for all parents with students in (or going to) college.

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