Alex McFarland
Alisa Childers
Alister E. McGrath
Angus Menuge
Anthony Flew
Apologia Educational Ministries
Barry Leventhal
Ben Hlastan
Benjamin Wiker
Bob Cornuke
Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams
Bruce L. Gordon, William A. Dembski
C. S. Lewis
Carlton King
Chad Miller
Chuck Colson
Clete Hux
CrossExamined Press
D. A. Carson
Darrell L. Bock
Darrell L. Bock and Buist M. Fanning, eds.
David Geisler
David Johnson
David T. Lamb
Dean C. Halverson (editor)
Derwin Gray
Dinesh D'Souza
Don Veinot
Doug Beaumont
Doug Powell
Dr. Ergun Caner and Dr. Emir Caner
Edgar Andrews
Edward Feser
Eric Metaxas
Eric Pement
Erwin Lutzer
Fazale Rana
Former Muslim
Francis Beckwith
Francis Schaeffer
Frank Turek
Frank Turek & Ted Wright
Frank Turek and Shanda Fulbright
Garrett J. DeWeese
Gary Elkins
Gary Habermas
Gene Edward Veith
Greg Koukl
Groothuis, Douglas
Guillermo Gonzalez & Jay W. Richards
Hank Hanegraaff
Holly Ordway
Hugh Ross
Illustra Media
Imad Shehadeh
J. Budziszewski
J. Warner Wallace
J. Warner Wallace and Susie Wallace
Jason Reed
Jeff Spencer
Joe Wirtz
John Ankerberg
John Lennox
John M. Frame
John Piper
Jonathan Wells
Josh McDowell
Judge Phil Ginn
Kenneth Boa
Kerby Anderson
Larry Blythe
Lee Strobel
Marcia Montenegro
Mario Beauregard & Denyse OLeary
Mark D. Roberts
Mark Foreman
Mark Ritchie
Michael Behe
Michael Craven
Michael Denton
Michael Licona
Michael Spicher
Mike Adams
Mike Adams, Frank Turek and J. Warner Wallace
Mike Licona
N. T. Wright
Nancy Pearcey
Natasha Crain
Norman Geisler
Norman L. Geisler
Paul Benware
Paul Copan
Paul E. Little
Pete Cannon
Peter Bocchino
Peter Kreeft
Phillip E. Johnson
Phillip Johnson
R Kaur