The Top Ten Reasons We Know the NT Writers Told the Truth mp3
Frank Turek
MSRP: $5.95$1.99The Top Ten Reasons We Know the NT Writers Told the Truth bible, Apologetics, nt, new testament, bible, frank turek, turek, atheistMSRP: $5.95$1.99 -
Can All Religions Be True? mp3
Frank Turek
$1.99Can All Religions Be True? In this talk Frank talks about religious pluralism and how the laws of logic apply not only in the areas of science but also in religion. Since logic applies equally in all areas of life all religions cannot all be true. Listen...$1.99 -
Is Morality Absolute or Relative? (MP3)
Frank Turek
$2.99As seen on DirecTV Channel 378 Dr. Frank Turek shows you that morality is objective not subjective (absolute not relative) and that you can't NOT know it. Frank reveals that morality points to God and then answers objections to objective morality...$2.99 -
If God, Why Evil? (MP3 Set)
Frank Turek
$5.98If God exists, why doesn't he stop evil? Can good ever come from evil? Find out why evil actually is an argument for God, and get answers to these questions: 1. Does evil disprove God? 2. Did God create evil?3. WhatåÕs the source...$5.98 -
Intellectual Predators: How Professors Prey on Christian Students (MP3)
Frank Turek
$2.99Intellectual Predators: How Professors Prey on Christian Students and What You Can Do About It Every parent and college student MUST see this! Ever wonder why 75% of churched youth leave the church in college? Frank Turek shows you the...$2.99 -
Counter Culture Christian: Is the Bible True? (MP3)
Frank Turek
$2.99Is the Bible true? Do we have an accurate copy of the Bible? Just because we have over handwritten 5000 copies of the Bible does not mean it is true. We could have an accurate copy of a lie.Find out why we believe the Bible is true! Key Words: New...$2.99 -
Macro Evolution? I Don't Have Enough Faith to be a Darwinist (MP3 Set)
Frank Turek
$5.98Clear thinking about evolution! Do you believe in evolution? It depends on what you mean by evolution! Frank clears up this complicated topic by showing how the evidence for microevolution is good, but the "evidence" for macroevolution is built much...$5.98 -
Old Testament vs. New Testament God: Anger vs. Love? (MP3 Set)
Frank Turek
$5.98Isn’t the God of the Old Testament a God of anger and judgment while the God of the New Testament just wants us to love our neighbors? And why would a good God command the death of entire groups of people? Watch Frank clear up the confusion by...$5.98 -
A Father's Embrace (MP3)
Frank Turek
$2.99Frank dives headfirst into perhaps the greatest problem in our nation and the world-- fatherlessness. As you'll see some kids lack a father's embrace even when Mom and Dad stay together. If you or someone you know is having problems at home with...$2.99 -
Ordinary But Amazing: Evidence of God All Around Us
Frank Turek
MSRP: $5.95$1.99Frank Turek takes a fascinating look at processes and events in the world around us and concludes that although they appear ordinary, in that they happen everyday, they really are amazing occurrences that point back to God. This is an inspiring and...MSRP: $5.95$1.99 -
Defending Absolutes in a Relativistic World mp3
Frank Turek
$1.99Defending Absolutes in a Relativistic World Key Words: Defending Absolutes in a Relativistic World - Frank Turek, Relativism, culture, ethics, moral, morals, morality, Religious pluralism, Coexist,$1.99 -
Why Can't You Be Normal Just Like Me? MP3
Frank Turek
$8.97Why Can't You Be Normal Just Like Me? Keys to Evangelism and Influence This is a fun and extremely practical presentation that will help you understand your own personality style and how to adapt to the personalities of others. Frank...$8.97